Fukuoka City Public Library Film Archive is an affiliate of the International
Federation of Film Archives (Federation Internationale des Archives
du Film abbreviated as FIAF), an international organization dedicated
to the preservation of film. Every year, FIAF holds an international congress. From April 7th through April 12th of 2007, FIAF held its congress for the first time in Japan. The Fukuoka City Public Library Film Archive participated in the 63rd FIAF Congress Tokyo 2007, which was organized by F.I.A.F. and the National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo-National Film Center. With a total of 244 participants (156 from foreign countries outside Japan representing 36 nations and 88 institutions, and 88 from Japan), the Congress was a meeting ground for heated film archive communication on a global level. At the Congress Symposium which addressed its theme of "Searching for Traces: Archival Study of Short-Lived Film Formats", the Fukuoka City Public Library Film Archive presented a paper on the "Preservation of Narrow Gauge Films in Japan: A Case Study of 8mm Films". During the Congress, the Fukuoka City Public Library Film Archive introduced Japan's first post-war feature animation, "The Princess of Baghdad", which was restored jointly with the National Museum of Modern Art Tokyo-National Film Center. The Congress also held its "Second Century Forum" where international copyright issues were addressed. |